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Gotta Get Away From Here


Emma Jayne
lead vocals
Jake Ratiner
bass, rhythm guitar, background vocals, synth
Julian Cassanetti
drums and percussion
James Wickens
trumpets, bells, fuzz guitar, guiro, background vocals
Nathan Kittrell
lead guitar

Video by Emma Jayne
Mixed by Julian Cassanetti and Jake Ratiner
Mastered by Julian Cassanetti



Making moves, minding my own biz.

Do you remember where we came from?
What’s the story you telling?
Will you know just where to go to next

Making moves, minding my own biz.
Trouble shooter beeping waking up the itch

Stayed for too long. saw what I seen. 
Ain’t too dirty lately.
Soul is clean.
Will you know just where to go to next?

Making moves, minding my own biz.
Trouble shooter beeping waking up the itch
Pay attention baby show has just begun

*with star’s aligned. the serpent shines.

Making moves, minding my own biz.
Trouble shooter beeping waking up the itch
Pay attention baby show has just begun.
You may have all the tools or you may just have ONE

Feel a calling deep within you
Feel it brew in your depths & through
Fool’s first step is still many yet.
Always remember, never forget.

So go & get! Get where you need to go!

Take your time - can’t move too slow
Are you the turtle or the hare?

Making moves, minding my own biz.
Trouble shooter beeping waking up the itch
Pay attention baby show has just begun.
You may have all the tools or you may just have ONE

Feel the calling deep within you
Feel it brew in your depths & through
Fool’s first step is still many yet.
Always remember, never forget

Gotta get away from here 

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